Supporting, Representing & Communicating with Community Pharmacies



UCA-NI liaises with a range of companies and stakeholder organisations to represent the views and interests of Community Pharmacies and Pharmacists in Northern Ireland

Pact NI

UCA-NI provides administrative and project co-ordination for social enterprise PACT NI (Primarycare and Community Together) which is developing successful integrated health & wellbeing services such as ImpactAgewell with MEAAP (Mid and East Antrim Agewell Partnership.

Find Out More about PACT NI

Find Out More about ImpactAgewell 

Stakeholder Groups

UCA-NI liaises with a range of professional, statutory and business organisations with the aim of increasing the profile of community pharmacy within the wider community and health sectors and pursues issues impacting on community pharmacy in Northern Ireland from an operational or business aspect.

UCA-NI has worked with:

  • Pharmacy Forum NI
  • Asthma+Lung UK All Party Group
  • Age NI
  • DAERA re Single-Use Carrier Bag policy

UCA-NI also liaise regularly with QUB, UU & other GB Schools of Pharmacy and NICPLD regarding aspects of the Foundation Training Year.

If you would like more information, please contact Adrienne Clugston 

Consultation Responses

UCA-NI will respond to government consultations and work with interest and stakeholder groups on matters of business and professional interest to the community pharmacy sector, e.g., DAERA re Single-Use Plastic Bag policy review

Recent Consultation Responses can be viewed in the DocStore by selecting “Reports & Alerts”